Recruitment/Retention (2)

Small Business

What is a burden rate?

The burden rate is the total indirect costs associated with employing a worker, such as benefits, taxes, and overhead. Learn more about burden rates...


How to welcome a new employee

Welcoming a new employee is an important step in ensuring their success within your organization. Get tips on how to properly welcome a new team...

Health Benefits

How to attract job candidates as a startup

Are you a startup looking to hire the best candidates? Learn how to effectively attract and retain top talent with these helpful tips.

Employee Benefits

What is PTO?

PTO, or paid time off, is a benefit that many employees receive, allowing them to take time off from work while still being compensated.

Employee Benefits

How to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day

Make your employees feel valued and appreciated on Employee Appreciation Day with these fun and rewarding celebration ideas.


How to handle workplace conflict

Discover effective ways to manage workplace conflict with this guide. Learn how to address conflicts head-on and promote collaboration within your...

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