HRA (4)

Health Benefits

Best states for an HRA

Discover the top states for health reimbursement arrangements (HRA) with this guide. Find the best options for your healthcare needs and financial...

Health Benefits

What is an HRA?

Thinking of offering a health reimbursement arrangement? Discover what an HRA is, how it works, and its benefits in this guide.


Pros and cons of stand-alone HRAs

Stand-alone HRAs can offer flexibility and control over healthcare expenses, allowing employers to customize plans to meet their employees' needs.

Health Benefits

Health insurance options for franchises

Are you a franchise owner? Explore your health insurance options with this comprehensive guide, tailored specifically for franchises.

Health Benefits

What is an EBHRA?

Discover what an excepted benefit HRA (EBHRA) is and how it can improve your employee benefits package.


Is health insurance reimbursement taxable?

Health insurance reimbursement can be tax-free for your business and your employees. Explore the tax differences between HRAs and healthcare stipends.

Health Benefits

How to cancel your health insurance policy

Learn how to cancel your medical insurance and get tips to help you make smart decisions when changing your healthcare coverage.

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