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Infographic: 10 Health Care Reform Myths

Affordable Care Act • July 8, 2013 at 3:00 PM • Written by: PeopleKeep Team

What are common myths about health care reform? Here is an infographic by the Deloitte Center on their 10 myths about health care reform.

Disclaimer: This infographic and content was created by Dr. Paul Keckley, Executive Director for the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, and reflects their views on health reform.

The views represented in this infographic, and text below, does not necessarily reflect the views of Zane Benefits, its staff, or its affiliate partners.

10 Health Care Reform Myths


Myth #1: Most Americans like our current system. They want the current system protected at all costs.

"Fact: The majority of Americans think the current system is inefficient, expensive, and wasteful, and the most satisfied constituents are seniors and those enrolled in the military health system..."

Myth #2: Most Americans understand the U.S. system and think it’s better than others.

"Fact: Most Americans do not understand our system. They understand the doctors, hospitals, insurance plans, and constellation of public and private health programs they use in their local communities..."

Myth #3: There’s not enough money in the U.S. health system.

"Fact: There’s plenty of money in the U.S. system: almost $9,000 per capita..."

Myth #4: Government health care programs—Medicare and Medicaid—are poorly managed and need overhaul.

Fact: The federal and state administrative costs for Medicare and Medicaid are less than the administrative costs associated with commercial health insurance: less than 2 and 5% versus 12%, respectively..."

Myth #5: There is a shortage of primary care physicians.

"Fact: ...New incentives for managing health, technologies to enable self-care, and practitioners including nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, and counselors were allowed to practice to the full extent of their training, there would be no shortage..."

Myth #6: The major driver of health costs is unhealthy lifestyles, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) doesn’t address this at all.

"Fact: Costs associated with chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, asthma, and lifestyle choices like drug abuse, smoking, and hang gliding contribute, but other root causes also contribute..."

Myth #7: The ACA does nothing to lower costs.

"Fact: The ACA includes a complicated set of demonstrations and pilots that “might” bend the curve..."

Myth #8: Most of the care that’s recommended is necessary. And most of what the system spends is therefore appropriate and unavoidable.

"Fact: To be fair, no one knows for sure..."

Myth #9: The health insurance industry is the problem, and its fate uncertain.

"Fact: The health insurance industry is a convenient punching bag for policymakers..."

Myth #10: Health reform is about the future of the ACA.

"Fact: The compelling issue about health care is cost. Policymakers and the industry must now grapple with the system’s costs as a priority..."



Have you heard about HRAs? We've debunked common myths and misconceptions in our blog post.

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